The Amazonian Electric EEL
The Amazonian Electric EEL
Old Blazer
Old Blazer
Inner Child
Inner Child
Sickness, Danger and Evil
Sickness, Danger and Evil
Forest Fire
Forest Fire
Overcoat Man
Overcoat Man
No Way Out
No Way Out
Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
The Amazonian Electric EEL
The Amazonian Electric EEL This illustration was one out of three spots created for a magazine in a Ocad University project. The text that I illustrated was "Maximum voltage of an Amazonian electric eel: 650." This eel uses electricity to fry its prey!
Old Blazer
Old BlazerOne of three spot illustrations for a magazine Ocad Unevirsity project. The text for this one was "Percentage change since 2002 in number of North American teens using illegal drugs: -9 percentage change in number of adults over 50 doing so: +121."
TranceOne of three spot illustrations for a magazine Ocad university project. The text for this image was "Average number of extra calories children consume for every hour of TV they watch: 167."
Inner Child
Inner Child
Sickness, Danger and Evil
Sickness, Danger and Evil
Forest Fire
Forest Fire
Overcoat Man
Overcoat ManThis was a character design project at Ocad University. The concept was for a horror movie were a terrifing insect would emerge from what looks like to be a man in an overcoat. 
No Way Out
No Way Out
Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat Character concept for alice in wonderland videogame.
JabberwockyAlice in wonderland video game design character project.
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