The Amazonian Electric EEL This illustration was one out of three spots created for a magazine in a Ocad University project. The text that I illustrated was "Maximum voltage of an Amazonian electric eel: 650." This eel uses electricity to fry its prey!
Old BlazerOne of three spot illustrations for a magazine Ocad Unevirsity project. The text for this one was "Percentage change since 2002 in number of North American teens using illegal drugs: -9 percentage change in number of adults over 50 doing so: +121."
TranceOne of three spot illustrations for a magazine Ocad university project. The text for this image was "Average number of extra calories children consume for every hour of TV they watch: 167."
Inner Child
Sickness, Danger and Evil
Forest Fire
Overcoat ManThis was a character design project at Ocad University. The concept was for a horror movie were a terrifing insect would emerge from what looks like to be a man in an overcoat.
No Way Out
Cheshire Cat Character concept for alice in wonderland videogame.
JabberwockyAlice in wonderland video game design character project.